Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Leap Day

Today is Leap Day so I figured what would be a better picture for today than one of my kids leaping? Spencer was at a friend's house so I made the other two do it. They were grumpy about it at first, but then had a good time laughing at all the picture outtakes. I also realized today that my title numbering should be day whatever of 366 not 365 -but that is not the name of my blog so I am keeping it my way.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Tauntaun and T-rex

Evan and Hailey have been playing nicely together all day today. Who are you and what have you done to my kids??

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Blue and Gold banquet

Evan received his wolf badge and Spencer earned his Webelo 1 badge. I am so proud of my little men in uniform.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Rub a dub dub
Miss Wee in the tub. I swear she would stay in the bath forever if I let her.

Thursday, February 23, 2012



"I am the man who will fight for your honor. I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of..." I realized today that I don't think I had any photos of Evan in his karate duds. I made him pose before I took him to class tonight. I think he may have wanted to karate chop me!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


And Chet Morton slumped to the floor!

Evan got a set of six Hardy Boys books for Christmas. I have been reading a couple of chapters out loud to the kids at bedtime for a while now. They seem to love the mysteries in these books. I worried at first that they would be too outdated for them. Some of the language is a bit nineteen fifties sounding - like calling your friends your "chums" - but they are catching right on.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Tiny dancer

I love this photo of Mira totally loving the cupcakes that her Mommy made for her. She was completely enthralled by the little ballerina.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Tiny bubbles...

The kids cutting a rug at the kid disco at The Great Dane. I think their favorite part of the whole thing is the bubbles.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Bootleggers (At least one of them has boots on...)

Leaving the "speakeasy" pizza place in Madison. The picture quality is super poor, but it was dark and taken with my phone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I think they liked it.

Instead of spending a bunch of money on candy and junk they don't need - or LEGO's (don't get me started). We bought the boys the Skylanders game for Valentine's Day. When they saw the box they started screaming and running around the house and dancing and pretend fainting. To say they were thrilled would be a HUGE understatement.

Monday, February 13, 2012


How about some cookie with that frosting?

Today was Hailey's class Valentines Day party. She did such a great job of writing out the names of her classmates on her cards. I was super impressed. Oh, don't mind the Christmas tree peeking out of her Valentine's Day dress.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Just in time for Valentines Day!

We prepared a turkey feast for dinner tonight. As Spencer helped peel potatoes, he came across this heart shaped one perfect for the upcoming holiday.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Berkus would be proud!

In the effort to make better use of the space we have and in trying to instill some better study habits on the boys, I cleaned out and organized the laundry room and made a "homework center". The boys thought is was kind of cool at first, but have quickly lost interest - much the same way they do with their schoolwork. Hailey on the other hand LOVES it! She will sit there and paint and color for the longest time.

Friday, February 10, 2012



For the one hundredth day of school, the kids in Evan's class had to make a hat with a hundred of something on it. Evan immediately chose LEGO guys. I immediately regretted my decision of grounding Spencer from touching LEGO's since Evan and I had to dig through thousands of LEGO's to find the various pieces and parts to complete one hundred little people. It scares me to think of the amount of money that was spent on these things to acquire that many little people.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Not a shape shifter in sight.

After dropping the boys off this morning at the bus stop, Hailey and I got out of the car to check out the giant full moon.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Day two of grounding came with a puppet show. Spencer does not share my dislike of the comedy/tragedy masks I am thinking since he appears to be acting them out.

Monday, February 6, 2012



The first day of Spencer's grounding of no TV and no LEGOS. Both boys were in the dining room reading - I think groundings may have to happen more often around here.

Sunday, February 5, 2012



Trent found this hat in his prop room that he is letting Spencer use for his Lincoln presentation. I found him wearing it this morning while watching TV and missing his brother and sister who were at sleepovers. Poor little only child.

Friday, February 3, 2012


A long week

We have been "assisting" Spencer with his biography report on Lincoln this week. Let's just say as I dropped him off at school today and set the completed project in his classroom I felt a huge weight lifted off of all of us and I am not looking forward to Evan's fourth grade year.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Anything to feed the fabric addiction

My cousin and his wife had a baby this morning. This is the blanket I made this morning to send to them today. Welcome to the world Baby Jane!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Pea coat

Is that the way you spell it? I should google it, but I am not going to. Since we are having a super warm super wierd winter, Hailey was able to wear her pea coat that she got for her birthday. She thought the name pea coat was about the funniest thing she had ever heard.